Sunday, June 29, 2008

スポーツ の 日。


The Sports Day yesterday was hectic, tiring, a teeny bit messed-up and うるさい, thanks to everyone, i guess. Surely no one can deny that, we were all there.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing though. Look on the bright side. Have you ever been to a student-organised Sports Day?

Adds a little twist of youth in it.

The Publishing Comitee...ok, AJK Penerbitan sounds better, didn't get the chance to go out on the field yesterday. Not just to playlah, obviously. We will be working ourselves off on the next event. Not a promise, but we will. Please think of some decent and appropriate face expressions so we can put up your pictures on the blog. Unless it's candid.

These are a few pictures i've taken, will upload loads more at Fotopage/Flickr/Photobucket(still deciding which one's the best, i just made a new account for every image-hosting site. Please help us on choosing one, please).

The pictures i got from others for now are mostly pictures of 黒たち. So if you please, send as many pictures as you can to our email address, as you can see in the profile section.

And the winner is(was):


1. 青
2. 黒
3. 赤
4. 白

おめでとう to 青チーム, you guys did a great job. And The 二年生 President too helped a lot on lowering other's self-esteem.

Something's gotta give.

This is the reason why i don't allow you telling 二年生 about this. They will torture each and every one of us.

みなさんも、良く がんばりました ね~。Give yourselves a pat on the back.

また あいましょう。



Liyana said...

I think we did alright fr an activity planned by students dake..

though it kinda sucked that us first years got screamed at for doing the senior's work..

we didn;t know!!! we're merely helpless, innocent and apparently fools that can be taken advantage of..


P.A.N.D.A. said...


i d'dnt say it was bad..

or did i?

either way, it was たのしい, IF AND ONLY IF us girls played basketball instead of the dreadful volleyball.

for the volleyball fans, i am so, so so, sorry.

but then again, after what happened to Gabriella, we can't just neglect the game, can we?

Gabriella-san, だいじょうぶ?