Tuesday, July 22, 2008



ほんとう に ごめん ね、みなさん。I am getting lazier by the...

Maybe it's my A.D.D., maybe.

Updates on 七夕, the grrreatest 日本じじょう we've learnt so far.

Ah, the first actually but whatever.

七夕 is a day... according to Wikipedia, a day where people 'celebrates the meeting of Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair). The Milky Way, a river made from stars that crosses the sky, separates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the lunisolar calendar. Since the stars come out at night, the celebration is held at night.'

Exactly, i am that lazy to the point i copied word to word from Wikipedia. Hey, at least i am not that lazy to put the link straightaway, no?

And i managed to take some(lots-they're-cramming-my-hard-disk-aaaagh) pictures of our きぼう の かみ. Of course lah i didn't took each and every one of them, i don't have loads of free time and so do you.

To the lucky ones, i also managed putting up your きぼう here so i can humiliate you in front of everybody, aahahahaha.

Ehem. Yes, here we...go.

I will, will, will upload almost all of the 七夕 の 写真 as soon as i finish my spaghetti.

Ow-kay, maybe not. Tomorrow. Definitely. Definitely. Defi...

‐ おわり ‐

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